I’m at an extensive loss for words For what is happening around the world What if in their place were you or I? Do you think we would be able to survive? How selfish and arrogant we [...]
Tonight I experience Sheer joy, mere love, As I put my head in sujood, And whisper to Him above! Tonight I hand over, All my worries to Him, As I lift up from sujood, My anxieties have become [...]
As we enter the last ten days There is a mixture of sadness of losing my loyal friend yet again And the determination of increasing in reward and dua due to Laylatul Qadr O Ramadan my dear friend [...]
It is dark … And gloomy … Sad and uncertain Clouds of fear Hover upon my heart Thoughts of resentment I cannot discard… There’s shame and worry, Encompassing my soul. I am [...]
Neither advice nor suggestion; No lecture to none, A simple life story, And may be for some, a lesson! As a young girl, I had hopes, dreams and emotions, Ordinary looks and sensitive, I [...]
‘Not In My Name!’ The world mourns … It mourns the innocent people that have been murdered; It mourns the souls who left the world bewildered! It’s hurtful to see [...]
In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful Three groups of Muslimahs I’ve noticed these days, When it comes to social media and its likes: The first consists of young [...]
Oh Ramadaan! Deny your body To feed your soul! Let the hunger you feel Nourish your eemaan Let your thirst be quenched By His word Give of your wealth And earn salvation For no man is destitute [...]
Whispers by Ayesha Desai The hands of time Gallop across sands of eternity And I watch you… Growing up Growing away Just growing Blossoming Becoming Being And through the lens of memory I [...]