September 2016 Featured Blogger – Nutrition by Nazima

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Asalaam Alaikum

Our September 2016 Featured Blogger is Nutrition by Nazima by Nazima QureshiNazima Qureshi is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Personal Trainer, and Public Health Professional. She uses a non-diet approach (which always includes dessert!) to help others achieve a healthier lifestyle. Continue reading to find out more about her blog!

Nutrition by Nazima

1. When and why did you start blogging? Did anyone, in particular, inspire you to start blogging?

I unofficially started blogging when I started University and was studying nutrition, about 6 years ago. I was so excited about everything I was learning, I wanted to share it with the world! During those years it was hard for me to be consistent. This past February, I launched Nutrition by Nazima and started blogging more consistently. I absolutely love blogging since I can use it as a platform to share my nutrition knowledge in an easy to understand and engaging manner.

2. Tell us a little bit about Nutrition by Nazima.

Nutrition by Nazima is more than just a nutrition blog. I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Personal Trainer with a Masters of Public Health. In June 2015, I graduated from my Masters and also gave birth to my daughter in the same month! While I was home with my daughter, I realized there was a vast amount of nutrition information on the Internet, but difficult for the average user to identify credible sources. I founded Nutrition by Nazima with the purpose of developing and delivering credible and evidenced based nutrition information. Nutrition by Nazima provides evidenced-based nutrition information in the form of partnership opportunities, written communication, workshops, and individualized e-counseling.

3. How do you manage to create a balance between being a parent and being a blogger?

I have to be very strict with my schedule in order to balance being a parent, blogger, wife, and business owner. I like to plan out my week using my planner and write out specific tasks I hope to accomplish by the end of the week. I wake up earlier than my daughter and complete the most challenging tasks. Throughout the day I will work on different projects and smaller tasks.

4. What’s the most challenging thing about blogging?

Being consistent! This is something I struggled with for years. Alhumdulilah since launching Nutrition by Nazima in February, I have been able to blog 1-2 times a week, every week. Making a blogging schedule really helps me produce content consistently. Whenever I have an idea, I write it down and see where I can fit it into my blogging schedule. As tempting as it is to sometimes post every day in a week when I have a lot of ideas, I would rather be consistent so I space out my blog posts. This allows me to focus on other aspects of my business as well.

5. What’s the most challenging thing about nutrition and fitness?

The biggest challenge is to get Muslim women motivated to make their health a priority. Muslim women take on many roles as wives, mothers, working professionals, business owners etc., and they can easily put themselves on the back burner. The biggest perceived obstacle for women is usually a lack of time. However, if women start prioritizing their health and doing little things for themselves every day, they will be more energized to perform optimally in other parts of their lives.

6. What do you hope to gain from blogging?

I hope to reach many women and motivate them to start making small changes to live a healthier and happier lifestyle. If you see my blog, you will notice it is not just nutrition fact after nutrition fact simply because I like to reach people through food. If you start making the recipes from my blog, you will be eating healthy without even knowing it!

7. How do you motivate yourself to keep writing on your blog?

I use a blogging schedule and plan out my blogs. I also commit to posting twice a week, something that is doable for me. Consistency and quality content is key for a successful blog.

8. What is your main passion when it comes to blogging and how do you manage to organize your thoughts and experiences?

My main passion is educating women about health, food, and fitness. I spent a lot of years learning about nutrition but I don’t want to create posts filled with terms no one understands. So I create content around food and recipes, something that everyone can relate to since everyone eats! When I share a recipe there is always a story attached to the recipe so it becomes very easy for me to blog about it.  

9. Have you had any opportunities arise as a result of blogging?

When I first started Nutrition by Nazima, blogging was a way for me to develop my brand. I was able to use my blog as a sample piece to pitch to different companies to develop nutrition content for them. I am able to use my blog as a place my clients can visit for inspiration as well as something I can show potential companies looking to partner with me.

10. Where do you see blogging in 5 years? Will you still be doing it in shaa Allah?

I feel that there will be a bigger video component to blogging in 5 years. I think blogging is a great way for many Muslim women and mothers to connect virtually. I definitely hope I can keep up with blogging in 5 years! It is something I truly enjoy and hope to continue to incorporate into my business.

11. What advice and tips would you give to women when it comes to healthy nutrition and fitness?

Don’t get caught up in fad diets and “quick fixes”. Invest in yourself and seek guidance from a nutrition and health professional to learn how you can transform your whole lifestyle. Just like blogging, consistency is key. Rather than trying to change every aspect of your lifestyle all at once and getting overwhelmed, make small consistent changes. I will be hosting a FREE webinar on September 7th on how to develop healthy habits and stick to them. To register you can visit:

12. What advice and tips would you give to someone who may be thinking of starting a blog?

Just start it! It can be scary starting out. In the beginning, it feels like no one is reading your blogs. The sooner you start, the sooner you will get over the obstacles that come with being a new blogger. Also, don’t let a lack of views dishearten you and stop you from blogging. Be consistent and over time you will see the fruits of your labor, inshaAllah.


Want to connect with Nutrition by Nazima? You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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Showing 2 comments
  • Nazima Qureshi

    Jazakallah khair for the feature <3! Such an honour!

  • Sadika

    Assalamu alaikum sister, very nice advice. I have recently started my blog, and not finding enough time to write. I read all of your article but haven’t visited your site yet. One idea I have for you is perhaps to post about nutrition and its link to oral health. All the best

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