Five Favourite Finds – 12/06/15

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Five Favourite Finds


Muslim-Mother-2This Friday’s Five Favourite Finds have kindly been chosen by Um Ibrahim, blogger at Muslim Mother Source.

I’m Um Ibrahim. I’m a student of life, wife and mother of three children.

I enjoy reading, writing and helping others. I especially love to learn about different aspects of Islam and to share it with people. I have recently launched my own blog, Muslim Mother Source in which I share helpful parenting tips, advice and resources with Muslim mothers.






  1. 6 SEO Tricks to Increase Blog Traffic by Najmah.

By Najmah

Sister Najmah gives all of us who are new to blogging excellent tips on how to gain more readers for our blogs!  I really found this article to be so helpful!


  1. Ramadan for the Very Busy Mum, part 1


Me muslima

This post is by Halah and touches on some of the struggles mothers face in Ramadan which I can really relate to!



  1. 02: Umm Zakiyyah on Building a Writing Legacy [Career Series]



Want to be a successful writer who uses their writing to be influential in a great way? Then you must read this interview by our sister Amina Edota! She interviewed author Umm Zakiyyah on how to have a great influence as a writer and use your writing talents for good. It was really interesting to read this interview.


  1. To My Future Son-in-law


hijabi mommy

This is just the sweetest letter and as a mother I just found it so wonderful. Check it out!


  1. 10 Ways to Increase Concentration in Salah



With so many distractions in life it can become really hard to concentrate when praying. I loved this article by Saima Faisal; she gives us great tips to increase our concentration in salaah!




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  • Najmah Capal

    JazakiAllah khair sister Um Ibrahim for choosing one of my articles. I’m glad you find it helpful. The articles you’ve chosen are worth reading. Will read them too in shaa Allah.
    Najmah Capal recently posted…Hijab As A Tool For Dawah And Hijab As A Fashion StatementMy Profile

  • Random Bytes

    JazakAllah sister for finding my article worth it to be featured here 🙂 Really love the way you have put huge snapshots of our pages, thanks very much for that too!!
    Random Bytes recently posted…Reading the Quran: Every Effort Counts!My Profile

  • Vanessa

    🙂 Alhamdulillah. Thank you so much for choosing Me Muslima’s article! Sister Halah really did touch on some issues that are often forgotten about when it comes to being a mother during Ramadan! I think that often times as mothers we are able to fulfill so many roles and accomplish so much that people may fail to think that we could use a little help every now and then 🙂 Jazak allah <3
    Vanessa recently posted…Ramadan For The VERY Busy Mum, Part IIMy Profile

  • um ibrahim

    Waiyaakum ukhtis! It was a pleasure reading all of your wonderful article/guest posts! Jazaakumulahu kheyran 🙂

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