No matter what people have to say about writer’s block being real or not, no one can deny that when it happens to us it happens badly! Especially when you are a blogger who constantly needs [...]
It was the fifth article for that night on my tablet which said that we should all love our body. It was another article talking about how loving our body can benefit us and why should one love [...]
Giving charity is one of the forms of worship and is rewarded by Allah in this world and the Hereafter. I really appreciate people who go the extra miles to collect charity for a cause and try [...]
In order to bring out the best from your child you need to appreciate them. Many parents, especially Pakistani parents (I am not being racist, I am a Pakistani myself), in fact, it’s [...]
I hear a lot of stories about children being put under stress by teachers. Several trainers are now coming forth to bash about teachers in front of parents. But all these people fail to [...]
Happiness is not just a feeling or an emotion but it is also a choice. I have been to various orphanages and the smiles on the orphans’ faces taught me that it was their choice to remain happy [...]
It is the 17th of Ramadan. Around 12 days left for this blissful month to end and you must have realized that there is still a lot of Qur’an left to finish reading. So here I have a few steps [...]
I am all about time management and being productive. I believe that as Muslims our time in this Dunya is short and hence we should make the most out of the time we are blessed with. This month, [...]
Difficult phases are a part of our lives. We all go through it and at times like these we need something to hold on to. Most of the people don’t know how to react during the difficult phase in [...]
Every day I realize that I am growing and there is no way I can go back. There is no way the clocks can be turned around and I may not live my favourite moments ever again. Being 25 is weird. You [...]