I am a person who really loves cooking. Yeah, cooking is my passion. I try new recipes and the happiest part is, my food turns out well. So today I thought of preparing a new menu along with [...]
Deen is important, wait… no dunya is important, no the deen is more important… actually I do not know. We often find we are asking ourselves this question, but a lot of the time, we cannot decide [...]
“Every Soul shall taste death.” https://quran.com/3/185?translations=20 My grand mother died last night. She must have been around 83 years old. I am here in Jeddah and she was in [...]
Bucket list – a list of goals that a person wishes to accomplish before they die. Islamic bucket list – basically the same thing except all of those goals are connected to Islam in some way. How [...]
Stages of Human Phyche: Sigmund Freud, very famous neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, divides Human psyche into three parts: Id Ego Super ego This correlates to what Quran teaches us [...]
I really didn’t think that this would be tough as per their thought, until certain people asked me this question. Yet, I do think that In Shaa Allah I will be able to accomplish this without any [...]
The last 10 nights of Ramadan are fast approaching upon us. These nights are extremely important as there lies in it, a night better than thousand months. https://quran.com/97/3 Laylatul Qadr! A [...]
It is the 17th of Ramadan. Around 12 days left for this blissful month to end and you must have realized that there is still a lot of Qur’an left to finish reading. So here I have a few steps [...]
Charity or sadqa is a very powerful tool. ALHUMDULILAH I have always felt that giving charity is such a huge blessing and it’s importance in Islam has always been mentioned. Zakat and [...]
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ Ramadan is back here. Has a year flown away so soon? We haven’t really retrieved from the excitement of last Eid and Ramadan has knocked our doors again. We [...]