Foods for Suhoor

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I can’t believe how fast Ramadan has come again! Time is seriously flying, last Ramadan felt like it just ended yesterday!

Muslims are required to fast between sunrise and sunset daily in the Holy month. Suhoor is the morning time we are to eat prior to the fast beginning.

Last year was my first year, skipping on Suhoor and just eating something prior to sleeping. It is too difficult to wake up in the middle of the night to eat, when I have to wake up in a few hours after that for work. I definitely do NOT advise people to skip Suhoor since the fasts are so long.

Here’s a few tips and foods to eat during the Suhoor period, which will help you feel energized and keep you fuller for at least a portion of the day.

  1. Fiber—you need it every morning. Best sources: Whole grains, rice, nuts.
    Try to have some whole grain pastas or brown rice as a part of your Suhoor (obviously not daily). If you’re a fan of Oatmeal (like me) that is a great option, as Oatmeal is never too heavy and sits well in the stomach without feeling gross and too full in the middle of the night.
  2. Protein—I’m a huge fan of chicken and fish. Eggs, yogurt and beans are also perfect options.
    If you’re desi like me, your mom probably makes eggs a couple times a week for Suhoor. It’s a quick meal for the whole family to eat, plus the protein in eggs is definitely a healthy choice. Chicken is also a great option for Suhoor because white lean meat, gives you the proper nutrients you need to maintain your health.
  3. Always have a Fruit or Vegetable for Suhoor…or both! But don’t just have a fruit every day. Try to alternate.
    Now in my daily life, I attempt to eat 1 fruit a day (I’m pretty successful at it) and I try to have as many veggies as possible as well. Apples, bananas and grapes are all perfect Suhoor options as they are quick to eat and provide healthy sugars and fibers that your body needs. Veggies I think are trickier to involve in your Suhoor meal. Perhaps you’d like to mix some veggies into your eggs. Or make a salad! But make sure to have more than just that for Suhoor.
  4. Hydrate…through food!
    I always try to have 1-2 cups of water during Suhoor, but if you can get some hydration through your food, that always helps! Fruits are a great source of hydration otherwise try to make a milkshake or smoothie! I never do that, but they are definitely great options for Suhoor as well, as you can get so many varieties of food groups involved if you create a shake or smoothie!
  5. Aim for balance!
    Try to have a good amount of fiber, protein, healthy fats and water, but don’t overstuff yourself. I always feel too full after Suhoor and it makes it difficult to lie down and sleep afterwards. Watch what you eat, have it in moderation, but ensure you are eating enough to at least stay full for half the fast of the next day.

Groceries, Bag, Fruit.

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