Book Review: Celebrating EID-UL-FITR with Ama Fatima – Ramadan 2020 – Day 16

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This is a book that was introduced in our home last Ramadan. Since then kids have read it a few times only, then I kept it aside to give them along with their Ramadan collection in Ramadan this year (in sha ALLAH). I personally have high hopes from this book because:

  1. the main character is the grandmother and whenever our children read this book they remember their grandmother too alhamdulillah. 
  2. There are some great ideas for activities and games to do with kids on Eid day bidhnillah.

So…let’s get to the real talk now…

Title: Celebrating EID-UL-FITR with Ama Fatima

Author: Fawzia Gilani-Williams

Illustrator: Sujata Bansal

Publisher: IB Publisher Inc.

Total Pages: 24

This book is primarily a story of how the last day of Ramadan and Eid day is spent in Ama Fatima’s home. Who is the grandmother of the children hence the head of the house. The family system is representing a typical Indo/Pak joint family house. I am sure those living in a joint family system can relate to this story in most cases. To me personally, it kept reminding me how our life is when my mother in law visits us bidhnillah.

I am glad that the story goes beyond just focusing on Ramadan and Eid day, though that’s the main theme. There are multiple lessons that can be taken from it from sitting on the floor and eating together as family to various ideas to make Eid special for kids. From which my personal favorite is the red parcel game. Books with multiple lessons embedded in the details are gems. 

I personally loved the importance it gives the main character, Ama Fatima. Which is the reason why I was excited to add it to our Ramadan Collection. In today’s time when elderly are forgotten or taken for granted, we really want our children to cherish their grand parents as they deserve to be cherished and respected (in sha ALLAH).

On the other hand, I would have liked if the author gave the mothers more role in making the Eid special for their children than just following the food list made by grand mother and preparing various foods for Iftar and Eid. I understand that the author has written the truth because that is how it is in many homes subhanALLAH. However, that is something that really needs to change. We need to allow moms to have time to spend with their children (at least) on these special days.

As for the illustrations, they are colorful, beautiful and big – just the way my kids and I like them 🙂 

Honestly, you can get out of this book what you seek. If you want it just as a light read aloud – it would do that. If you want to go beyond and use it to start healthy learning discussions about various things – it would do that. And if you want to actually implement Ama Fatima’s Eid boxes ideas that would be even better (in sha ALLAH).

If it seems like a book you would like to add into your Ramadan Collection you can buy it from here. 

Umm Ruqaiya is a mother of three little kids, who is currently persuing her Bachelors in Education degree from Islamic Online University. Her passion for writing is consistent with her college major which was Communication. As a blogger, blogging at, she makes it her priority to share any beneficial knowledge that she learns through multiple resources, primarily her own experiences in life that are unique yet relatable by other Muslim moms and parents in general.

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